Pacific Asia Travel Association

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Regenerative Travel in the APAC Destinations' E-Reputation

PATA Issues & Trends 2H2021 is now available online. As part of your membership benefits, all PATA International Members can receive a complimentary of the report. Get Your Copy >

Two-thirds of international travellers now have sustainability at the top of the agenda for their next trip. In addition, sentiments towards regenerative travel experiences have grown significantly since the COVID-19 period. Destinations that can understand these consumer desires can leverage the fast-rising demand for regenerative travel.

These are some of the opportunities revealed in findings from TCI Research (UNWTO award winner for innovation) through its targeted social data and conversations analyses on reputation impact and actionable drivers. 

Other insights include:

  • Why and how regenerative travel impact the Asia Pacific travel reputation

  • Which destinations are the most competitive in this segment

  • How some destinations are leading the way

  • How destination marketing organisations and travel brands can leverage APAC competitive attractiveness in regenerative travel

More information about this report can be found through the accompanying webinar, The Impact of Regenerative Travel on Destination Attractiveness, from Nov 9, 2021. PATA International Members can request a copy of the recording >

The analysis in this report is based on data sourced from the TRAVELSAT© Sentiment Index, an advanced social listening-based technique applied to travel and destinations. The sentiment reflects the state and dynamic of destinations' e-reputation as expressed through global web social conversation channels at large, i.e. shared by media, consumers, companies, citizens, brands and officials posting and reacting online to facts and opinions in the context of travel and tourism.