Pacific Asia Travel Association

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GSTC: Special Offer for PATA Members

GSTC Accessible & Inclusive Travel Online Course (July 3-9, 2023)

June 27, 2023

The GSTC is offering a new Accessible and Inclusive Travel Online Course (3-9 July) to dispel myths about disability and access needs, while gaining a deeper insight into the diverse needs of travelers. Boost your confidence in catering to people with disability and access needs with practical tips to attract, serve, and retain customers.

What to expect?

  • Dispel misconceptions and gain a deeper understanding of accessibility and inclusivity in travel

  • Learn about industry best practices and real-world examples of successful accessible and inclusive travel initiatives

  • Make informed decisions on how to meet the diverse needs of travelers with disabilities and access requirements

Whether you’re a government body, a destination management organization, or an individual tour operator, this course is tailored to meet your needs, regardless of your experience in the accessible and inclusive travel market.

PATA Members can register at a discounted rate of $385 (under the "GSTC Member" option).