Pacific Asia Travel Association

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Jameson Wong

Vice President Strategic Clients & Partnerships APAC, ForwardKeys

Jameson graduated from Murdoch University, Australia with a double major in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Marketing Management. With over 13 years of experience from global hospitality, travel tech start-up and big data solutions, Jameson has been leading ForwardKeys business in the Asia Pacific region, working with clients across multiple segments, from DMOs/NTOs, Hotels, Financial Institutions, Travel Retailers, Media Agencies to Airports. Under the leadership of Jameson, ForwardKeys' commercial footprint in the region spans across Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand as well as the Pacific Islands such as Guam, Samoa and Fiji.

As ForwardKeys' Vice President Strategic Clients & Partnerships, Jameson's latest focuses are the development of strategic partnerships as well as the implementation of best practices from the newly launched customer success team for strategic clients in APAC. A frequent speaker at travel and tourism events, Jameson is passionate in sharing how big data analytics is empowering and transforming the travel ecosystem.

About ForwardKeys

ForwardKeys was founded in 2010 on the premises to share data knowledge to empower government organisations, hotels, travel retail, brands, and financiers to make decisive business actions based on science and truth. We leverage global flight reservations plus other data to monitor and qualify traveller flows, understand global demand, and forecast trends. ForwardKeys provides live, tactical information and exclusive insights to tourism boards, hotels chains, retailers, airports, duty-free operators, tax refund, car rentals, and all those that have a travel-related business and/or clients.