Pacific Asia Travel Association

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Speakers Conclave

Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6th – 8th November 2020 - For the very 1st time, PATA Bangladesh Dhaka University (DU) Student Chapter collaborated an event with India and Nepal chapter and we arranged a webinar together and we named the webinar “PATA Speakers Conclave”. This was a grand webinar including 3 different sessions. Sessions were “The Trail to Cultivation: Discussion on Regional Tourism in South Asia Post Covid-19”, The GI Thesaurus: know your products, Networking Session: Talk over Tea.

Guests from all over Bangladesh, India, Nepal attended that conclave. We got minimum 300 participations. The motto for this event was to digging out the possibilities for surviving after post pandemic at tourism industry. Also rethinking about some facts about Geographical identification to enhance the tourism probabilities. Also, we emphasized on career opportunities. So, we invited many significant guests from different sectors who talked all the hook and nook about tourism possibilities.

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