Tripadvisor: Write a Review Day

NEEDHAM, Mass - 3 May 2022 - Tripadvisor launched a Write a Review Day, on May 3, 2022 and every year thereafter. To kick off the big upcoming travel season, throughout the month of May, the platform is rallying the Tripadvisor community and encouraging travellers to write a review. Tripadvisor is asking travellers to share their experiences – the good, the not so good and everything in between, with the intention of giving the still recovering tourism and hospitality industry helpful, constructive feedback. This feedback is aimed at guiding travellers on their way as the world emerges from the pandemic and begins to take to the roads, seas and skies again.


Here/below a short guide that will walk you through the simple steps you can take to better manage your business profile, how to collect and respond to reviews on Tripadvisor.


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